Social Sciences Brown Bag Seminar
Baxter 125
Deciphering Suboptimal Updating: Complexity, Structure, and Sequencing
Marina Agranov,
Professor of Economics,
Abstract: We study underlying reasons for the failure of individuals to adhere to Bayes' rule and decompose this departure into three elements: (i) complexity of the task, (ii) information structure, and (iii) timing of information release. In a series of controlled experiments, we alter all three elements and quantify their magnitude. We address task complexity by introducing a novel notion driven by nonlinear calculations required for Bayesian updating. We experimentally explore our notion of complexity and find empirical support for it.
Joint work with Pellumb Reshidi.
For more information, please contact Sabrina Hameister by phone at 626-395-4228 or by email at
Event Series
Social Sciences Brown Bag Seminar Series