Events open to the community
All EventsBehind The Book Presents "Pull, Don't Push -- Why STEM Messaging to Girls Isn't Working and What to Do Instead," With Author Julie Newman in Conversation with Dr. Jasmine Bryant
Watson Lecture - Brian Jacobson: How Technology Shaped the Movies (and How Movies Shaped Technology)
Poulenc Trio with Boris Allakhverdyan, clarinet
PVA Faculty Piano Recital on John Cage's Music
Science Journey - Nature's Tango: How Insects Dance for Survival
Featured for neighbors and locals
Watson Lectures
Join our community of curiosity and learn from Caltech's premier researchers at the free public Watson Lectures. Arrive at 6 p.m. to mingle over food, drink, music, and displays. The talk begins at 7:30 p.m.
On Mar. 26, Brian Jacobson, Professor of Visual Culture, will discuss how technology made the movies and movies shaped what we know about technology.
Register here
Science Journeys
These free events for middle and high school students, homeschoolers, and the public are a must-share with the teachers and other friends in your lives. In Science Journeys, scientific stars of tomorrow discuss their research, what inspires them, and their stories so far. On April 18 at 10 a.m. in Beckman Auditorium, Chen Scholar Jess Kanwal will present Nature's Tango: How Insects Dance for Survival. Register here.
Learn about future events and how to register yourself, your family, or a classroom, and watch videos of past talks on the Science Journeys page.