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Senior Celebrations

Wednesday, May 15, 2024
6:00pm to 8:00pm
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  • Internal Event

This event is exclusive to graduating Caltech seniors.

Senior Celebrations is an annual multi-evening event organized by Caltech Alumni Relations. Graduating seniors are invited to attend one of the planned evening receptions, which provide graduating seniors with a unique opportunity to celebrate their achievement. The event facilitates networking between the graduating seniors and accomplished alumni who have pursued careers in various fields and can offer valuable insights into the job market and career paths.

Students can get valuable advice and guidance as they plan the next stage of their journey, either into careers or to graduate programs. Finally, Senior Celebrations welcome Techer undergraduates into the Caltech alumni community, and mark the beginning of the graduates' journey as alumni of Caltech.

For more information, please contact Xochiltl Bravo by phone at 626-395-8199 or by email at