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Electrical Engineering Systems Seminar

Thursday, May 30, 2024
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Annenberg 105
Hidden Convexity of Deep Neural Networks: Exact and Transparent Lasso Formulations via Geometric Algebra
Mert Pilanci, Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
  • Public Event


In this talk, we introduce an analysis of deep neural networks through
convex optimization and geometric (Clifford) algebra. We begin by
introducing exact convex optimization formulations for ReLU neural
networks. This approach demonstrates that deep networks can be
globally trained through convex programs, offering a globally optimal
solution. Our results further establish an equivalent characterization
of neural networks as high-dimensional convex Lasso models. These
models employ a discrete set of wedge product features, and apply
sparsity-inducing convex regularization to fit data. This framework
provides an intuitive geometric interpretation where the optimal
neurons represent signed volumes of parallelotopes formed by data
vectors. Specifically, we show that the Lasso dictionary is
constructed from a discrete set of wedge products of input samples,
with deeper network architectures leading to geometric reflections of
these features. This analysis also reveals that standard convolutional
neural networks can be globally optimized in fully polynomial time.
Numerical simulations validate our claims, illustrating that the
proposed convex approach is faster and more reliable than standard
local search heuristics, such as stochastic gradient descent and its
variants. We show a layerwise convex optimization scheme whose
performance is comparable to non-convex end-to-end optimization. We
also discuss extensions to batch normalization, generative adversarial
networks, transformers and diffusion models.


Mert Pilanci is an assistant professor of Electrical Engineering at
Stanford University. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science from UC Berkeley in 2016. Prior to joining
Stanford, he was an assistant professor of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science at the University of Michigan. In 2017, he was a
Math+X postdoctoral fellow working with Emmanuel Candès at Stanford
University. Mert's research interests are in neural networks, machine
learning, optimization, and signal processing. His group develops
theory and algorithms for solving large scale optimization problems in
machine learning. His research also seeks to develop safe and
interpretable artificial intelligence and information theoretic
foundations of distributed computing.


This talk is part of the Electrical Engineering Systems Seminar Series, sponsored by the Division of Engineering and Applied Science.

For more information, please contact Gabrielle Weise by phone at 626-395-4715 or by email at