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LCSSP Climate Solutions Seminar

Wednesday, February 12, 2025
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Baxter B125
How to reform the permitting process for renewable energy projects
Sanjay Patnaik, Director, Center on Regulation and Markets (CRM); Bernard L. Schwartz Chair in Economic Policy Development; Senior Fellow in Economic Studies, The Brookings Institution,

Abstract: The process for the permitting of renewable energy generation and electric transmission projects in the United States is multi-layered and often extremely long. If the U.S. is to achieve its climate ambitions and fully implement transformative legislation like the Inflation Reduction Act, Congress will also have to enable a massively accelerated build-out of clean energy infrastructure. Congress should approach federal permitting reform in a way that maximizes efficiency in government decision making through shorter timelines for regulatory approvals without sacrificing the value of the current process in protecting the environment and local stakeholders. Further, it is essential that reforms are evidence-based in targeting the major sources of current delays. During the presentation, Dr. Patnaik will lay out the current process for permitting and discuss suggestions for reform.

For more information, please contact Sabrina Hameister by phone at 626-395-4228 or by email at