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LIGO Seminar

Monday, October 21, 2024
3:00pm to 4:00pm
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West Bridge 351 (LIGO Science Conference Room)
Seeing into the immediate post-merger environment of a neutron star collision
Aaron Tohuvavohu,
  • Internal Event

Speaker: Aaron Tohuvavohu

Title: "Seeing into the immediate post-merger environment of a neutron star collision"

Abstract: The rich EM phenomenology in the first minutes-to-hours after a compact object merger encodes the nature of the post-merger remnant, the neutron star equation of state, the dynamics of the fastest moving ejecta, and a wide array of other compelling physics. However, the challenge lies in rapidly identifying and classifying an EM counterpart within the vast GW localization regions, a task that must be done before meaningful follow-up can even begin. This delay hampers our ability to observe these critical phenomena during the earliest stages.  Achieving precise, prompt localization of a neutron star merger—narrowing it down to within the field of view of high-sensitivity, narrow-field telescopes—would unlock unprecedented scientific opportunities. I will discuss the science cases that require extremely early time observations, and outline the technological and operational innovations necessary to meet this demand.  This includes GRB detectors with arcminute precision, novel gamma-ray image reconstruction techniques, coherent multi-messenger searches,  new UV telescopes, pre-merger GW detection,  and real-time space telescope control.

For more information, please contact Lucy M Thomas by email at